Grants for Greater Good

October 2024

The Moundridge Community Foundation is pleased to announce the following grant awards from their October cycle:

Moundridge Senior Center – New Flooring – $9,000

We are looking to replace the carpet in the entryway and dining room at the Senior Center. I have gathered bids from a couple of companies who would be possibly replacing the carpet for us.

August 2024

The Moundridge Community Foundation is pleased to announce the following grant awards from their August cycle:

STEPMC – New Class/Recruitment – $7,500

We already have a presence in Moundridge, and we are in the process of hiring a coach from Moundridge to do work in Moundridge. This will help our Moundridge site grow because she will already have Moundridge connections. We have a new class starting in September, and we would like to recruit new people.

Habitat for Humanity – Matching Funds – $15,000

Matching funds to help building a Habitat House in Moundridge Kansas

June 2024

The Moundridge Community Foundation is pleased to announce the following grant awards from their June cycle:

Moundridge Elementary – School Wide Read – $1,525

For the 2024-25 school year we would like to have a School-Wide Read. We will be reading the book “Humphrey’s Pet Show Panic” by Betty Birney. If received, this grant will be used to buy a book for each family in our school, serve a meal at our family celebration event and buy supplies for a hosting a Pet Show for families to attend.

West Zion Mennonite Church  – Moundridge Youth Ministry Meals – $1,600

This program is part of Moundridge Youth Ministries (MYM), which is a ministry of Moundridge Associated Churches. We are requesting this grant to help cover the cost of meals.

Moundridge Historical Society – Replacement Laptop computer – $850

Our only computer is old and in need of replacement. It is so slow that it is almost unusable and does not support all the things we would like to do on it.

Moundridge Safe Routes to School – Walk, bike, roll to school 2024-2025 – $4,000

As we dream about next year we hope to have more adult-led walks and rides to school, enhance the crossing areas and designated bicycle routes, maybe purchase and install a permanent outdoor bike repair stand, or pay crossing guards or walking school bus drivers.

April 2024

The Moundridge Community Foundation is pleased to announce the following grant awards to the Moundridge Community, administered by the McPherson County Community Foundation

Mercy Hospital – “Bring Them In”  helping the Next  Generation of Physicians in Moundridge – $5,000

This program combines tuition loan payback from KU with  matching funds from the  community. Mercy Hospital has  successfully participated in this program  before, and we would like to once again partner with the  City of Moundridge and the Moundridge Community Foundation

Swiss Mennonite Cultural & Historical Association – Base for Proposed sculpture Depicting  Swiss Volhynian Mennonite Influence in Kansas – $1,500

The Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical  Association (SMCHA) would  like to pay for the base of a proposed sculpture depicting the influence of Swiss  Volhynian Mennonites to Kansas.

Cradle to Crayons – Foundation study – $7,500

Cradle to Crayons Childcare,  the City of Moundridge, USD  423 and the Associated Ministries, seek to develop a new  child care center.

June 2023

The Moundridge Community Foundation is pleased to announce the following grant awards to the Moundridge Community, administered by the McPherson County Community Foundation

Moundridge Recreation Commission Safety Mat for Stage at Greer Greer needs a mat covering the front of the stage. We currently have a mat that is needing to be replaced. The mat helps protect kids playing on the gym floor, near the stage, in case they run into or fall against the stage at the east end of the building. $1,700
Cradles to Crayons Moundridge Early Childhood Center Cradle to Crayons Childcare, in collaboration with the City, USD 423 and the Associated Ministries, seek to develop a new Moundridge Early Childhood Center.  This new facility aims to greatly expand the number of childcare seats available to the community. $50,000
Swiss Mennonite Cultural & Historical Association 150th SMCHA Celebration Swiss Mennonites that settled in the Moundridge area arrived in 1874. Next year will be the 150th

anniversary of their arrival. Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Association is planning a year-long series of events to celebrate that event. The Planning Committee has hired a videographer to assist with the

publicity and documenting of all events. The grant we are requesting is to pay for the videographer and his expenses.


June 2022 (Moundridge)

The Moundridge Community Foundation is pleased to announce the following grant awards to the Moundridge Community, administered by the McPherson County Community Foundation.

West Zion Mennonite Church – 2022/2023 West Zion Children’s Meal program – $2,000.00

Our congregation serves hot, nutritious meals to children and volunteers for the K-4 Moundridge Youth Ministries program hosted at our church. It’s part of how we engage families in Moundridge with the love of God through age-appropriate Bible teaching. The program aims to cultivate personal morality and spirituality among children and families, as well as building up the faith life of the community.

Valley Hope Foundation – Valley Hope of Moundridge Outdoor Project – $2,000.00

Established in 1967, Valley Hope is a national nonprofit drug and alcohol treatment organization with a strong legacy of providing accredited, evidence-based programs and services. Valley Hope of Moundridge was opened in 2010 and has provided lifesaving treatment to more than 8,000 patients and their families.

Moundridge Public Library – Increasing Capacity for Community Enrichment – $7,000.00

The Moundridge Public Library will be opening the new location later this year. Due to shortfalls in fundraising and increases in cost, the facility will have less amenities then we had hoped. Phase two of the library renovation will include amenities and features we had to shelve due to cost. The new library needs tables and shelving for displaying new, rotating, and interesting collections in our newly remodeled facility. Keeping with our big concept for the new library of being flexible; to modify and accommodate to changing needs, the display table are mobile and can be easily moved. Marketing and displaying our products, materials, and programs are a big part of keeping libraries and library service relevant and in minds of our patrons and communities. Other amenities, such as an additional ADA automatic doors, paved drive up book drop drive, angle parking off Durst, and new lounge and collaborative seating will be a part of the second phase of the library’s renovation.

Mercy Hospital – “The Doctor is In” – $4,500.00

Mercy Hospital and the Partners in Family Care (PIFC) Clinic have been working together the last 3 years to bring the next generation of physicians to our community. Typically, certain physicians are more interested in coming to practice in a small rural community, but many times the decision comes down to family financial concerns. A doctor can usually make more by going to practice in a larger community or working for a hospital that is part of a large system. One of the key tools rural communities have used over the last 30 years to “level the playing field” is the Bridging Program sponsored by KU School of Medicine. Mercy Hospital has successfully participated in this program in the past to bring new doctors to our town. The program combines tuition loan payback from KU with matching funds from the community. Mercy would like to partner with the City of Moundridge and the Moundridge Community Foundation to create an attractive pool of matching funds for the next doctor.

Cradle to Crayons Childcare Center – Cradle to Crayons foundation repair, Basement, gutters – $15,000.00

The original building that Cradle to Crayons is in was constructed in 1915. We are having foundation issues in that half of the building that need to be repaired. The crawl space has collapsed. There is no longer a sill plate. We are having cracks in the walls, doorways are shifting, and we have hills in our floor. I have checked on the price to repair the foundation and it is almost just as expensive as adding a basement. A basement is also less intrusive to our daily functioning. To add a foundation they have to tear up our new flooring and displace our children. We are going to replace gutters and downspouts and place them in better spots to get water away from the building. The second part would be to dig a basement. The basement will fix the rotted out foundation. Adding a basement will also provide an additional storm shelter for our growing center, a gym for them to play in during inclement weather, extra storage, and extra classrooms.

Associated Ministries of Moundridge – Associated Ministries support of Moundridge Senior Center – $2,000.00

The Moundridge Senior Center was started by the Associated Churches in 1975. Ever since that time, the Associated Churches has made quarterly payments to the Senior Center to support its operations. When the Associated Churches became the Associated Ministries of Moundridge in 2017, the executive committee continued its financial support. The memberships of the churches that are supporting the Associated Ministries are declining and consequently the donations from these churches are declining also.

Steps to End Poverty of McPherson County – STEPMC – Providing the Missing Steps for Local Families to Overcome Poverty – $7,500.00

Currently, our community helps people survive in poverty, but it does not help people get out of poverty. Providing food, rent assistance, clothing, and other concrete resources is helpful and certainly needed in Moundridge. But, these resources do not help people actually overcome poverty because they only address one small part of the reason that people are stuck in poverty.

This proposal seeks to provide the missing step in the stairway out of poverty here in Moundridge. By supporting STEPMC’s work, you are supporting an innovative, community-driven framework for solving poverty. With your help, we can build relationships across economic lines to form a community around those in poverty, foster these connections, and create pathways of opportunity so that people can overcome poverty. Will you help plant seeds of hope here in Moundridge, and walk alongside our neighbors who want to work hard to get out of poverty?

Moundridge Recreation Commission – Cardio Room – 5,000.00

The Moundridge Recreation Commission would like to add a dedicated cardio room to our space in Greer Gymnasium for our patrons to use. In addition to the regulation size basketball court, Greer Gym has a complete weight room available for the annual key rental of $40.00

June 2021 (Moundridge)

The Moundridge Community Foundation is pleased to announce the following grant awards to the Moundridge Community, administered by the McPherson County Community Foundation.


$25,000 – Moundridge Public Library

To be used for increasing capacity for community enrichment. This grant is made possible by the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund and the Moundridge Community Foundation operating fund.


$875 – Angels’ Attic

To be used for rent and operating expenses. This grant is made possible by the Moundridge Community Foundation operating fund.


$875 – Cradle to Crayons Childcare Center

To be used for high energy rates in February 2021. This grant is made possible by the Moundridge Community Foundation operating fund.


$5,000 – Mercy Hospital

To be used for “strengthen the feeble knees”. This grant is made possible by the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund and the Kansas Health Foundation for Moundridge fund.


$1,500 – Associated Ministries of Moundridge

To be used for Moundridge youth services. This grant is made possible by the Moundridge Community Foundation youth fund and the Moundridge Community Foundation operating fund.


$4,000 – Steps to End Poverty of McPherson County

To be used for the missing step on the stairway out of poverty. This grant is made possible by the Moundridge Community Foundation operating fund and the Kansas Health Foundation for Moundridge fund.

June 2020 (Moundridge)

The following grants are administered by the McPherson County Community Foundation.

$4,000 – Angels’ Attic

To be used for cleaning supplies, funded by the Moundridge Community Fund.


$2,400  – Associated Ministries of Moundridge

To be used for program expenses, funded by the Moundridge Community Fund.


$4,800  – Moundridge Senior Center

To be used for program expenses, funded by the Moundridge Community Fund and the Moundridge Kansas Health Foundation Public Health Fund.


$2,000 – Moundridge Public Library

To be used for technology upgrades, funded by the Moundridge Community Fund and the Moundridge Youth Fund.


$750 – West Zion Mennonite Church

To be used for Moundridge teacher appreciation gifts, funded by the Moundridge Youth Fund.


$6,000 – Steps to End Poverty of McPherson County – Moundridge

To be used for expanding the STEP program into the Moundridge community, funded by the Moundridge Kansas Health Foundation Public Health Fund.

June 2019 (Moundridge)

The following grants are administered by the McPherson County Community Foundation.

$1,500 – Mercy Hospital, Inc.

To be used for portable radios. This grant is made possible by the Kansas Health Foundation Fund – Moundridge.

$1,800 – West Zion Mennonite Church

To provide meals for their K-4 Youth ministries program. This grant is made possible by the Moundridge Community Foundation Youth Fund and the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund.

$19,205 – Cradle to Crayons

To be used for building conversion for additional classrooms. This grant is made possible by the Moundridge Community Fund.

$2,000 – Valley Hope Foundation

To be used for the Hope Builder Club programming. This grant is made possible by the Kansas Health Foundation Fund – Moundridge.

$2,645 – Moundridge Recreation Commission

To be used for a pool vacuum. This grant is made possible by the Kansas Health Foundation Fund – Moundridge.

$1,200 – Angels’ Attic

To be used for yearly expenses. This grant is made possible by the Moundridge Community Fund.

$500 – Moundridge Public Library

To be used for summer reading program STEMout. This grant is made possible by the Kansas Health Foundation Fund – Moundridge and the Moundridge Community Fund.

$750 – Moundridge High School

To be used for Wildcat Pride program. This grant is made possible by the Moundridge Community Fund.

$400 – Moundridge Middle School

To be used for stock the bathrooms. This grant is made possible by the Kansas Health Foundation Fund – Moundridge.

$1,500 – Moundridge Senior Center

To be used for replacing flooring in the quilt / nursing room. This grant is made possible by the Kansas Health Foundation Fund – Moundridge.

August 2018 (Moundridge)

$1,805 – Moundridge Recreation Commission

For AED devices. This grant was made possible through the AED Fund and Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$2,000 – Moundridge High School

For woodshop lighting. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$483.98 – Moundridge Youth Football

For football equipment. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$500 – Associated Ministries of Moundridge

For 2019 VBS cd. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$500 – Moundridge Middle School

For middle school clubs. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$1,300 – Moundridge Elementary School

For 5th grade sphero project. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$3,000 – Moundridge Manor

For training manikin. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$1,000 – Moundridge High School

For “dare to be” awards. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Youth Fund administered by the MCCF.

$883.17 – Moundridge High School

For window coverings at MHS front windows. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$8,308 – Moundridge Elementary School

For preschool playground equipment. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$2,000 – Moundridge Youth Ministries

For youth ministries meal program. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$3,000 – Mercy Hospital

For bladder scanner. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Kansas Health Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$1,800 – West Zion Mennonite Church

For children’s meal ministry. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$2,000 – Valley Hope Foundation

For Moundridge Alumni Program. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Kansas Health Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

$150 – Moundridge Middle School

For becoming scientists program. This grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by the MCCF.

August 2017 (Moundridge)

Cradle to Crayons Childcare Center $5,300: Surveillance cameras. The grant was made possible through the Kansas Health Foundation Children’s Fund and the Moundridge Community Foundation fund administered by MCCF.

Moundridge Senior Center $1,250: for a new dishwasher / sanitizer. The grant was made possible through the Kansas Health Foundation Children’s Fund for Moundridge administered by MCCF.

Associated Churches of Moundridge $500: for 2017 VBS. The grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by MCCF.

Moundridge Historical Association $6,500: for new housing for water tower exhibit. The grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by MCCF.

Moundridge Food Pantry $1,000: to restock their food supply. The grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by MCCF.

Cradle to Crayons Childcare Center $2,158: for upright freezer. The grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by MCCF.

Moundridge Elementary School $150: CEO after school craft club for 3-4th graders. The grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by MCCF.

Moundridge Recreation Commission $2,548: for portable bleachers at ball fields. The grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund and the Kansas Health Foundation Children’s Fund for Moundridge administered by MCCF.

Moundridge Valley Hope Wedel Recovery Center $500: Assistance for participation in their recovery program. The grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by MCCF.

West Zion Mennonite Church $1,750: MYM meal program. The grant was made possible through the Moundridge Community Foundation Fund administered by MCCF.